I wanted to let everyone know that I’m keeping track of the yellowing leaves on some of the pumpkin plants to make sure it isn’t a disease or nutrient deficiency. I am including a website that shows pictures of leaves that are diseased or deficient in nutrients: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/publications/cucurbitproblemsolver/leaf. I also found a website that gives suggestions to avoid powdery mildew that may form on the leaves in times of abundant rain and humidity, such as we have had lately: http://www.pumpkinnook.com/howto/disease.htm. One thing to note, is that watering is recommended during the morning or day so that the leaves have time to dry out or watering just around the base of the vine.
I did see some deer poop on Monday but haven’t noticed any major chewing on blossoms or leaves (I’m more concerned about the deer eating the blossoms that develop into pumpkins—if you see the new growth pumpkins starting to disappear, let me know. I can cover the plants with netting, which may help).
Lastly, I’m removing the diseased tomato plant—it isn’t growing any more flowers and any that did grow did not pollinate. So I’m going to pull it out completely. The cherry tomatoes are growing like gang busters so please feel free to pick and eat when it’s your turn to take care of the garden.
Hope you're having a wonderful summer!
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